Horse Books For Sale

Damn, Why Didn’t I Say That? Powerful and Uplifting Horse Saying, “I Wish I Would Have Said”
This is a delightful collection of inspiring and uplifting horse quotes and sayings. Combined with a collection of Horse related artwork created by the author. Everyone needs a positive phrase or just that right piece of artwork that puts a smile on your face. If you enjoy a horse filled lifestyle or just love the majestic creatures, you will understand every famous and not so famous quote. Like the author, you will also find your own hidden meaning in several of the paintings. Robbie Jones a Texas-born writer and horse sales manager have always been drawn and amazed with horses. All of his books are created and written because of his dedication to promoting horses. With over 10 books in print and all available in Print only form. There are two major book releases set for 2019 from this talented uprising author. Currently living and working in the historic town of Crockett, Texas All proceeds from the sales of this book will be donated to the Horse Foundation, Fort Worth, Texas
This is not an ebook. This book is a printed version
Soft Cover $10.69 Click Here to Order
Hard Cover $18.19
YOUR FIRST HORSE, Fun Beginner Horsemanship
For those who enjoy their horses every day and the many who are about to take the plunge into horse ownership. This will be a book of high importance, whether you are preparing to look for your first horse or already have a whole stable to take care of, you are sure to find the reading enjoyment and ideas and tips you can really use with your horses.
Available on Amazon
This is not an ebook. This book is a printed version

Keeping your horse warm, healthy during the winter season is not that hard. There are a few concerns that have to be learned. This well-researched book will only address the real facts. Issues such as what to feed and how to house your horse are reviewed. This guide will give you the tools to make sure your horse starts the spring season with all his weight.
This guide has some beautiful pictures as well as information.
This is not an ebook. This book is a printed version
Softcover $11.79 Click Here to Order
Hardcover $23.79
Robbie Jones has been buying, selling, caring for, and marketing horses since 1996. He has operated a successful horse rescue operation that slowly grew into a large horse stable service. In the year 2000 Robbie was appointed by the Horse Foundation to a small grant and a large run-down stables north of Houston Texas. For 15 straight years, 24 hours a day, the horses and the stables demanded all the attention.
This is not an ebook. This book is a printed version
Owning your own horses can be fun and exciting…. but what do you do with your horses when a disaster strikes your barn or region. In this guide, you will have a wealth of tested information to deal with most incidents that may come your way.
In this Guide you will learn:
- What is a horse barns number 1 threat and tips to make sure it never happens to your barn?
- Many helpful tips on traveling with your horses during an emergency.
- The important aspects you will have to consider before the disaster strikes
- 30 tested tips to help you secure a Disaster plan before it is too late.
- Some of the authors own experiences with facing disasters with his horses
- All of this and more are contained in the book
Written by Robbie Jones who has been living, working and managing horses for over 20 years. During those years the horse stables were faced with several natural disasters that involved caring for the horses in high-stress situations. If you own horses you do not want to deal with a disaster without this book
This is not an ebook. This book is a printed version
Softcover $15.55 Click Here to Order
Hardcover $28.55

This is an Art Study. Over 100 different art images of horses in all different art mediums. My Life with Horse is my daily journal working with horses and the images I take away from that work. I have always been fascinated by art and horses. Beautiful original horse images. Horses touch my life every day.
This is not an ebook. This book is a printed version
Softcover $10.99 Click Here to Order
Hardcover $20.99

This is the second release in the Horse Art Series by Robbie Jones. Over 100 images and paintings of horses and riders in the act of horsemanship. The full-color collection, amazing horse images reduced to ink, paint, and brush. Created by author and artist Robbie Jones this is just another in his series to entertain.
This is not an ebook. This book is a printed version
Softcover $12.99 Click Here to Order
Hardcover $23.00
Content will arrive here. Soon to be released
This is not an ebook. This book is a printed version
Softcover $ 10.99
Hardcover $21.99
Available on Amazon

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Soon To Be Released:
Hey Mister, What Color is Your Horse? Subtitle here
Storm Horses
How to Buy and Sell Horses for Fun and Real Profits